My first school picture (as a teacher)


20140724-224522-81922400.jpgHere it is, as promised: me my first year of teaching. These kids are 27 or so now, so I’m guessing no one would recognize them. I don’t even recognize myself! But I remember my pride standing there beside them in our auditorium that smelled like the cafeteria because it was both. It was a year full of make-it-work moments with no texts to start and ex-adult vocational education facilities. At least the table saw from the shop room wasn’t in my room. I should have sung more with them. But we did listen to cal tjader play the vibraphone a lot. And I realized that I needed to learn Spanish if I was going to commune with families and caregivers. This year was the beginning of many things. I hope to carry that curiosity and make it work past into my new academic year.